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acrylic mounting Sydney Altaphotoca

What is Acrylic Mounting?

Acrylic mounting, also known as face mounting or plexiglass mounting, is a method of displaying artwork, photographs, or prints by adhering them to a clear acrylic sheet. This process enhances the visual impact of the artwork, providing a modern and sophisticated appearance while protecting it from damage.

Key Aspects of Acrylic Mounting Service:

Acrylic Framing Altaphotoca


Acrylic Sheet:

High-quality, clear, lightweight, shatter-resistant acrylic sheet.


Mounting the Artwork:

Careful direct mounting with acid-free adhesive for long-term preservation.

Acrylic Mount Framing Bondi Junction Sydney Altaphotoca
Acrylic Mount  Altaphotoca sydney


UV Protection:

UV-protected acrylic prevents fading and damage from ultraviolet rays.


Depth and Dimension:

Creates a 3D effect for enhanced visual appeal.

acrylic_prints bondi Junction Sydney altaphotoca
3D Acrylic Block Sydney Altaphotoca



Tailor size, acrylic sheet thickness, and hardware for specific artwork needs.


Easy Cleaning:

Easy Cleaning: The acrylic surface is easy to clean with a soft, damp cloth, ensuring that the artwork remains pristine.

Altaphotoca Polished Acrylic Frames
Altaphotoca Polished Acrylic Frames Flower

Elevate your art in AltaPhotoca with our acrylic mounting service. Ideal for photographers, artists, and collectors, this modern display enhances colors and details with a glossy surface. Preserve and showcase your artwork with a visually striking acrylic presentation—perfect for contemporary and traditional styles. Call us to elevate your art today.

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